The Intention of "One Meditation"
The heart of One Meditation practice rests in the spiritual awareness that, at the deepest level of being, there is no separation. This is not to suggest that we don't have unique perspectives and forms of personal expression in life, but rather that all these unique forms of expression arise in the mystical context of “non-separation”: that we are “not two” but one emergence of Consciousness, one emergence of life.
From this perspective, there is only One event occurring -- One humanity arising, One heart beating, and One seamless and eternal meditation. One Meditation isn't something that we do; it is something that we become aware of, that is occurring within and as each one of us, and within and as the whole.
Our approach in the practice incorporates the reading of sacred texts of realized masters, spiritual chants, guided meditation by guest teachers, and periods of uninterrupted silence.
The communion of many human beings sitting together provides a powerful container for the emergence of enlightened awareness and genuine spiritual opening as well as the possibility of the realization of the essential Oneness of everything.
As we begin to recognize the profound implications of this spiritual truth, we may start to see ourselves and others in a new light, as this One Consciousness expressing itself in the world. We may sense a greater purpose for our lives. We may open to recognizing that we are in the service of something Greater, an evolutionary emergence, and that we are an expression of that emergence. We may begin to live from a place of possibility and sense new potential for human beings not only on a personal level but on a global level as well.
And, we may begin to see a new possibility for an awakened world, for a world that is not held together through law and order but is bonded by wisdom, love, compassion and radical empathy for all beings, a true "heaven on earth."
This is the Intention of One Meditation.
With love
Manon, Joanna, Rick and Jeff